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Date: 2003-09-10

VISA-Daten fuer den CIA?

Ab 2005 werden alle Visa-Daten fuer Menschen aus unterrepraesentierten Laendern erstmalig(?) digital verschickt. Das State Department waere "happy" diese den Drogendealern[0] und Moerdern[1] vom CIA zusenden zu duerfen... [0] [1]
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The US Department of State recently announced it's new process for
handling the Diversity Visa of 2005. The Diversity Visa, for people who
aren't familiar with it, is a program where up to 50,000 people are
granted admission to the United States from under-represented countries.

What's interesting about this year's change is that all applications are
now submitted electronically. Included with each application is a JPEG
photo of the person submitting the application.

In the past, even the paper versions of the Diversity Visa have been
subject to privacy concerns. Now that the data is being submitted
electronically, one can only imagine how the data may be abused.

In an article about a year ago, Ed Dickens made the following comments on
the paper version of the Diversity Visa:

Ed Dickens, a spokesman for the Bureau of Consular Affairs, which runs
the program, said the State Department would be willing to change its
rules to share all the forms with the FBI and the CIA.

"We'd be happy to mail them to the CIA if they wanted," Dickens said.
"They're not of particular use to us."

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edited by Abdul Alhazred
published on: 2003-09-10
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