Date: 2003-01-08
the matter of Commonwealth v. John Doe
John Young's Cryptome[0] soll Logfiles herausruecken. Man will wohl
wissen, welche und wieviele John Doe's auf ein gewisses Dokument[1]
zugegriffen haben.
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You are hereby commanded to summon
251 West 89th Street, Suite 6E
New York, NY 10024
(if he/she may be found in your precinct) to appear before the GRAND
JURY - next to be-holden at CAMBRIDGE within and for our County of
Middlesex on the 16th day of January A.D. 2003 at 9:00am and from day
to day thereafter, then and there to give such evidence as he or she
knows relating to any matters which may be inquired of on behalf the
Commonwealth before said GRAND JURY in the matter of Commonwealth v.
John Doe, and bring with him/her all logs recording the I.P. addresses
nd/or users who visited "http://cryptome.sabotage.org/sec-con.htm"
between 11/7/02 00:00:00 GMT and 11/14/02 23:59:59 GMT. If no such log
exists for the specific page in question, please provide any logs that
would cover the domain together with an explanation of what the log
Aber John Young war auf so einen Fall vorbereitet, und daher seine
I, John Young, administrator of Cryptome, hereby declare that logs of
Cryptome are deleted daily, or more often during heavy traffic, to
protect the privacy of visitors to the site. Cryptome does not own or
know the location of the machine which hosts its virtual private
server under a service agreement with NTT/Verio.
There are several international mirrors of the files on Cryptome, all
of which, to the best of my knowledge, delete logs to protect privacy
of visitors.
Full/text der Subpoena:
Pointer auch auf Slashdot:
Found via internetz:
.at-mirror von Cryptome:
0: http://cryptome.org/
1: http://cryptome.org/sec-con.htm
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edited by Robert Waldner
published on: 2003-01-08
comments to office@quintessenz.at
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