Date: 2001-12-21
US-Cybercops wehren q/Attacke ab
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Wenn man halt einmal probiert, ob und wie genau die PR-Truppe
des FBI Eintrittswillige ins exklusive Law Enforcement Forum auf
askcalea.net selektiert - dann kann Erstaunliches passieren.
Heisst man zum Beispiel "Harkank Merzenoghian" erhält man
postwendend eine Mail mit korrekter Anrede in Armenisch ["Guten
Tag, Herr Merzenoghian"]. Samt abschlägigem Bescheid zum
Eintritt wird der Hoffnung Ausdruck gegeben, man möge den
[freien] Rest der Site dafür einem Besuche zuführen.
Wohl einem Land, das solche Cybercops sein eigen nennt!
post/scrypt: Einmal sind ihnen allerdings schon wesentliche Teile
der Law Enforcement Mailinglist mit haufenweise interessanten
Adressen im Klartext ausgekommen.
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To: harkank@quintessenz.org From: Web Technician 1
<tech1@askcalea.net> Subject: Law Enforcement Registration
Pari louyce Baron Merzenoghian,
Your registration for the Law Enforcement Section of the site was
received, I regret to inform you that your recent application for
access to the Law Enforcement Forum (LEF) on the
AskCALEA.net web site has been denied.
That decision was reached in conference with the Law Enforcement
and Industry Liaison Unit and FBI Technically Trained Agents. The
Forum is strictly for members of the Law Enforcement Community
only. Due to the nature of Proprietary Information discussed and
displayed, unfortunately there is no provision for Industry, as such
Industry is not authorized access to the Forum.
It is our hope that you will access all other areas of our web site. If
we can assist you further please contact us. Thank you for your
interest in AskCALEA.
harkanknerov, Joshua Morgan Web Technician
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edited by Harkank
published on: 2001-12-21
comments to office@quintessenz.at
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