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Date: 2000-02-11

EPIC geht gegen Doubleclick vor

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q/depesche 00.02.11/1

EPIC geht gegen DOUBLECLICK vor

EPIC, eine US Organisation zum Schutz der Privatsphäre, hat
gestern gegen den größten US-Online Werber Doubleclick bei der
Federal Trade Commission [FTC] Beschwerde eingebracht.
Doubeclick verfügt nach der Fusion mit Abacus über die größte
Verbraucherdatenbank der USA.

Der Firma wird vorgeworfen, Userdaten und Bewegungsprofile
systematisch für seine Marketingdatenbank zu sammeln. David
Sobel, EPIC: "Internet-Surfer merken davon meistens nichts, diese
Vorgangsweise verstößt damit gegen Fairness und Datenschutz."

Doubleclick Deutschland hatte unlängst betont, die umstrittenen
Methoden der US-Mutter in Europa vorerst nicht einzusetzen.

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The Electronic Privacy Information Center today filed a complaint
with the Federal Trade Commission concerning the information
collection practices of DoubleClick Inc., a leading Internet
advertising firm, and its business partners. The complaint alleges
that DoubleClick is unlawfully tracking the online activities of
Internet users and combining surfing records with detailed personal
profiles contained in a national marketing database. EPIC is
asking the FTC to investigate the practices of the company, to
destroy all records wrongfully obtained, to invoke civil penalties,
and to enjoin the firm from violating the Federal Trade Commission

The EPIC complaint follows the merger of Doubleclick and Abacus
Direct, the country's largest catalog database firm. Doubleclick has
announced its intention to combine anonymous Internet profiles in
the Doubleclick database with the personal information contained
in the Abacus database.

EPIC's complaint alleges that the DoubleClick merger of the two
databases violates the companies' assurances that the information
it collects on Internet users would remain anonymous, and that the
data collection was therefore unfair and deceptive. EPIC also
charges that the company has failed to follow its revised privacy
policy and that this is also unfair.

Marc Rotenberg, Executive Director of EPIC, said "This complaint
against Doubleclick is a critical test of the current state of privacy
protection in the United States. We are looking to the Federal
Trade Commission to see whether companies that break their
promises and collect personal information in an unfair and
deceptive manner will be held accountable."

David Sobel, EPIC's General Counsel, said that "today's complaint
raises fundamental issues involving electronic commerce." He
noted that "much of the information collection that occurs on the
Internet is invisible to the consumer, which raises serious
questions of fairness and informed consent."

The Electronic Privacy Information Center is a public interest
research organization in Washington, DC. EPIC's activities include
the review of governmental and private sector policies and practices
to determine their possible impacts on individual privacy interests.

The text of EPIC's complaint against DoubleClick is available online

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2000-02-11
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