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Date: 1999-03-21

Bilanz98: Lauschangriffe im UK

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Deutlicher Anstieg der Lauschangriffe in UK, über den die auf
die übliche Weise präsentierten Zahlen nicht hinwegtäuschen
können: Die 1763 Lauschangriffe im Jahr 98 sind nicht nach
Einzelpersonen oder Firmentelefonanlagen aufgeschlüsselt,
womit die Zahl gleich weit höher liegt. Das Ergebnis ist dann
mit dem Faktor 20+ zu multiplizieren, da jede/r Anrufende
oder Angerufene ebenso bespitzelt wird. Konservativ
geschätzt wurden im UK 1998 mindestens 50.000 Personen

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Maeve Sheehan

THE security and intelligence services are bugging more
people than at any time since the second world war,
according to new figures.

They show a steady increase in the numbers who have had
their telephones tapped or their mail opened. The trend is the
opposite of what had been expected - surveillance has
always been closely linked to the violence in Northern
Ireland, which has subsided.

The figures, to be revealed to MPs shortly, show that last
year 1,763 phone and mail intercepts were authorised by the
government. That represents a 3% rise on the previous year's
record of 1,712.

The real increase is, however, likely to be far higher since the
1997 figures cover the whole United Kingdom, whereas those
for 1998 exclude Scotland...

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"There is no solution because there is no problem" Marcel Duchamp
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-03-21
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