Date: 1998-05-06
Hack-it 98 in Florenz
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q/depesche 98.5.5
Hack-IT 98 in Florenz
Vom Notebook, HF/Scanner bis zum Toaster mitbringen - alles, was Chips
hat, wird gehackt.
Hack-IT 98 cannot be defined in one way only. It is an open-air
festival, a meeting, a hacking party, a pause for reflection, an
occasion of public learning, an act of rebellion and an exchange of
ideas, experiences, dreams, utopias and love. What characterises
Hack-IT 98 is our wish to live these three days completely
self-organised basing ourselves on our needs. Hack-IT 98 is a
SELF-ORGANISED event: there are neither organisers nor users, but
* Where?
In Italy, in a squat in Florence named C.P.A. (Centro Popolare
Autogestito, Popular Self-Organised Centre), Viale Giannotti 79,
Florence. Tel and Fax ++ 39 55 6580151
* When?
On Friday 5th, Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th of June, 1998. If you wish
and if you have time, you can join Hack-IT 98 several days before the
starting date, in order to help organise the event, install the LAN
do whatever might be useful.
* How?
How you wish! The C.P.A. offers a large area where you can pleasantly
spend your days and nights during the meeting. There will be a
self-organised camping site, so bring your tent and everything you
might need.
* How much?
Do you have to pay to participate to Hack-IT 98? Of course not.
Hack-IT 98 is a no-profit event and nobody will make money out of it. In
order to cover expenses we will organise a few concerts and other social
events; to attend these a small fare will be requested. In the
eventuality that the expenses should be too high, a small
subscription fee will be requested to all participants.
Computers and other tools
* Will we have an Internet connection?
The answer is almost certainly "yes". Although during Hack-IT 98
are not meant to work on computers or to navigate on the net, we
believe it is important to be connected at all times. We cannot
guarantee the quality of the connection (probably some ISDN lines)
we hope to give you more information asap.
* Will we have a LAN?
Yes! For the LAN question also, we cannot provide you with further
technical details as everything is still in progress. Most probably
LAN will be based on TCP/IP.
* Will I have computers to work on?
The answer doesn't depend on us. We can guarantee connectivity and
LAN, but have no idea of how many computers will be available. Bring
your own computer (laptop or not!), your ethernet adapter, your hubs
and so on. The LAN will be in continual progress! So please read
FAQ as often as you can, as the information will be continually
* Can I bring my own computer?
Of course! It would be an excellent idea if everyone interested in
using a computer during Hack-IT 98 brings his own. Sheltered tables
rooms will be available.
* What else do I need?
If you want to connect your computer to the LAN and to the net, you
will surely need a LAN Adapter. If you don't have one, you can buy
for about 30$ in any computer shop. If you want to connect your
or your non-IBM computer, you will have to spend a little more.
* May I bring various electronic equipment?
Of course! You can bring whatever you want: radios, pagers,
radioscanners, toasters etc. etc. The more you bring with you, the
Hack-IT 98 will be fun :-)
* Where to sleep
If you want to live the true atmosphere of Hack-IT 98, the C.P.A.
offers a large area where you can place your tent or sleeping bag. A
tent is not necessary but useful, both for your comfort and your
privacy during the event. Unfortunately we are in a metropolitan
so do not expect lawns and greenery. We will have to sleep on the
cement! An inflatable mattress will allow you to go back home without
stiff neck! If all this is just too much, you can book a hotel, but
will cost you a lot more... A list of hotels will be posted later.
* Where to eat
The C.P.A. is known for its good Italian cooking and good-looking
cooks! You can eat well at the C.P.A. without spending a fortune.
Special attention will be given to Vegetarians and Vegans. If you
want to eat at the C.P.A., there are many restaurants, pizzerias,
supermarkets and shops of every kind in the neighbourhood.
* Services
WCs and showers will be installed for the event.
* How to get there
Florence is - we think - a well-known place. The best way to reach it
is by train, plane, bus or car (but not by boat!). Detailed
on how to reach the C.P.A. will be given later.
Programme (in progress)
* Courses
1. Courses in basic network technology
For people with average skills in computer usage. The course
teach how to use the basic services offered by the most popular
networks. The course will probably be open to a limited number
participants. Information on pre-registration will be given
2. Cryptography and anonimity on the networks
For people with an average knowledge of network technology. The
course wishes to show how to defend your privacy by using
techniques (cryptography, steganography, PGP, anonymous
etc). The course will probably be open to a limited number of
participants. Information on pre-registration will be given
* Workshops
The backbone of Hack-IT 98 will be a series of self-organised
workshops. Everybody can propose and carry out his own workshop. All
ask is that you inform us as soon as you can what your ideas and
proposals are. A reminder: most of Hack-IT 98 will be in Italian
are few proposals for possible workshops:
1. Knowledge within the Net (by Ferry Byte)
Knowledge as an instrument of self-defence. Is cryptography just
way of protecting privacy, or also a way of protecting
Distance learning and distance working in Italy - the exchange
knowledge through the net. Guest speakers are: Net Diver,
Tozzi, Arturo di Corinto, The Walrus, Raf Valvola, Zero BBS,
Stefano Lotti, Anna Carola Freschi
2. History of information technology (by Renato Pii)
3. Packet Radio and wireless digital transmissions (by Andrea Bov)
4. Use of router CISCO (by uVLSI)
5. Self-organising networks in Italy and Europe. Which are the
polical and social uses of the network? (Isole Nella Rete and
Tactical Media Crew)
6. Provider's legal resposibility and censorship (Helena Velena and
Luther Blissett)
7. Ipertexts thinking and creating on the net, the roles of author
and reader (by Graffio)
8. Linux for beginner
9. The GNU project (da confermare)
10. Low-tech networks: the BBSs environment
11. IPv6. The new generation of Internet Protocol (Fausto Saporito
12. HACKER ART (Tommaso Tozzi)
* Info and contacts
You can join the mailing list hackmeetin@kyuzz.org. Send an e-mail at
majordomo@kyuzz.org writing in the body message 'subscribe
News on Hack-IT 98 and these FAQ are at the URL:
These FAQ are periodically updated and posted in several mailing
and newsgroups.
If you wish to participate to Hack-IT 98 or if you want propose a
workshop or if you want to give a helping hand in organising, join
mailing list hackmeeting@kyuzz.org or send a message to
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-05-06
comments to office@quintessenz.at
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