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Date: 2005-10-24

CCTV: Provisorien halten am Laengsten

Diese, aus der Softwarebranche bekannte, Weisheit ist in der Politik mitunter Programm. So kämpfen die Athener – Ausschreitungen inkl - seit über einem Jahr um die versprochene Entfernung der Kameras aus dem eine Milliarde Euro schweren Überwachungsprogramm der olympischen Spiele. 'Wien ist Anders' heißt es in Selbstanzeigen der Stadt Wien – ob dass auch auf die Wiener Linien und Ihr 'Testprogramm' der 24 Kameras pro U-Bahnwagen zutrifft?
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Off/topic: In .at ist es einfacher seinen Protest zum Ausdruck zu bringen – Letzte Chance (bis Dienstag 24.10 12:00) am Pubikumsvoting der BigBrotherAwards teilzunehmen:

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A decision which allows authorities to use cameras to monitor traffic but bans them from spying on potential terrorist suspects is to be contested by the government after the Public Order Ministry lodged an appeal with the Council of State yesterday.
The Hellenic Data Protection Authority (APPD) ruled in August that the 293 CCTV cameras installed last year as part of the 1-billion-euro security program for the Athens Olympics could not be used to keep an eye on sites that could be considered high-risk terrorist targets.

However, in a ruling made public yesterday, the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (APPD) said that the 293 cameras installed in Attica as part of the high-tech security system, known as C4I, for the Athens Olympics could only be used to monitor the capital’s roads. The APPD said that the cameras, along with another 49 that the police were using before the Athens Games, could be used to monitor traffic until May next year, when the watchdog will re-examine its decision.
The APPD further dented the government’s hopes by ordering police to remove the microphones installed on the poles on which the cameras are positioned, deeming it illegal for officers to record or listen to sound from the streets. Authorities have also been ordered to switch the cameras off when the roads are closed due to public demonstrations and may not adjust them toward any buildings, squares, parks or any places where people might gather.

Five more traffic cameras installed as part of the massive Olympic Games security operation last year were wrecked by anarchists over the weekend, just weeks after seven other cameras had been similarly gutted.

Hundreds of members of leftist groups and labor unions staged a protest in central Athens yesterday, objecting to plans for the continued use of surveillance cameras installed as part of security measures for the Olympics. Protesters gathered in 13 spots where cameras are located and in one case spray-painted a camera with black paint. There were no reports of violence.

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edited by Mac Gyver
published on: 2005-10-24
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25. Oktober 2023
Big Brother Awards Austria
q/Talk 1.Juli: The Danger of Software Users Don't Control
Dr.h.c. Richard Stallman live in Wien, dem Begründer der GPL und des Free-Software-Movements