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Hosted by NESSUS
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Date: 2003-01-03

VOiP: Surveillance leicht gemacht

Am 23 Januar hält die amerikanische LAES-Truppe [Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance] einen offenen Workshop für die IT-Industrie zum Thema "Voice over IP Überwachung leicht gemacht." Eine "exciting conference" [siehe unten ] hieße denn auch: bei einer solchen Ansammlung von Cops und Spooks und sonstigen Angehörigen des militärisch/elektronischen Komplexes - da könnte Sightseeing schon spannend sein. Eintritt ist frei, Registrierungsdaten siehe unten.
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postscrypt: Gehns, wenns am 23. Januar grad in Chicago sein sollten, dann schauens doch im Drake Hotel vorbei. Und seins so gut, bringens das Dokument da mit: "Electronic Surveillance Needs for Carrier-Grade Voice over Packet Service" und vielleicht auch ein paar Fotos.

Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance for Voice over Packet Summit

As a follow-on to the Symposium on Law Enforcement Needs Regarding Packet Surveillance (November 6, 2001), Telcordia Technologies invites your participation in a one-day summit discussing industry and law enforcement perspectives on lawfully authorized electronic surveillance for voice over packet (LAES for VoP).

This exciting conference provides an opportunity to hear the perspectives of carriers, solution providers, standards and industry groups, and Law Enforcement about the challenges facing the industry as LAES for VoP moves through its planning stages and toward implementation. The Summit will coincide with release of the law enforcement document: Electronic Surveillance Needs for Carrier-Grade Voice over Packet Service.

The target audience for the meeting is technical and management teams in the industry who are involved with strategic and tactical decisions related to lawful interceptions.


9:00 AM Welcome (FBI)

Carrier Presentations and Panel Discussion: What are carriers' needs and issues related to LAES for VoP?

Solution Providers' Presentations and Panel Discussion:
What are some possible approaches for LAES for VoP?

Lunch (provided)

Standards/Industry Fora Presentations and Panel Discussion:
What are standards and industry fora activities for LAES for VoP?

Introduction of Law Enforcement's document:

Electronic Surveillance Needs for Carrier-Grade Voice over Packet Service

5:30 PM Adjourn

The summit will take place on January 23, 2003 at The Drake Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. There are a limited number of reserved rooms available at our group rate of $145 per night. Please make your hotel reservation directly with the hotel by calling (312) 787-2200 before the cutoff date of January 3, 2003. Be sure to specify the "LAES for VoP Summit" or "Telcordia Technologies" group.

While there is no fee to attend the symposium, we do require preregistration by January 9, 2003. You can make your summit reservation by faxing this registration form to (732) 758-4343 or emailing the completed form to, or by calling Angelise Carter at (732) 758-5583. Following receipt of your registration request, you will receive a confirmation. To assure an equitable distribution of participants, we may limit the number of registrations from any single company.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2003-01-03
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