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Date: 2001-02-11

FBI: Re-Branding fuer den Carnivore

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Der arge Fleischfresser hört nunmehr auf den
unverbindlicheren Namen "DCS1000", empfohlen von dem gar
nicht weit von den gesetzlich ermächtigten Behörden
angesiedelten Illinois Institute of Technology.

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relayed by toshimaru ogura <>
Networkers against Surveillance
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The FBI has dressed its online wolf in sheep's clothing,
changing the name of its controversial e-mail surveillance
system, known to this point as Carnivore.

Carnivore now goes by the less beastly moniker of DCS1000,
drawn from the work it does as a "digital collection system."
The investigative agency built the tool to monitor the Internet
communications of suspects under its surveillance, but the
system, housed on computers at Internet service providers,
also can collect e-mail messages from people who are not
part of an FBI probe.

A spokesman for the FBI denied that the name change
stemmed from worries that the name Carnivore made the
system sound like a predatory device made to invade
people's privacy. But the Illinois Institute of Technology,
which last fall issued an analysis of the system at the
request of the Justice Department, recommended that the
name be changed for just that reason, according to an IIT

"We had a concern that it wasn't a good name for the
system," said the IIT's Larry Reynolds. The group thought the
name should be dumped, he said, "because of the very
definition of the word."

. In September, the Justice Department picked the IIT
Research Institute to perform a government-sponsored
technical review of the software.

The rechristening is part of an upgrade that incorporates
other recommendations from the research group, according
to Paul Bresson, a spokesman for the FBI. "It isn't because
we were worried about negative privacy publicity. If it was, we
would have changed (the name) months ago," he said. "This
(system) is not something that remains static."


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published on: 2001-02-11
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