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Date: 1999-09-11

Amtlich: Krypto/exporte aus Schweden frei

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Nach DE und FR hat auch SE die Krypto/export/restriktionen
weitgehend aufgehoben - guten Morgen At und Rest/europa, haben
wohl geruht?

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I finally managed to confirm that the decision taken on June 23rd
( to
liberalize crypto export takes the form of a general export license
which allows you to export 128-bit mass-market crypto to a list of
approved countries.

The EU is not considered "export", you can distribute any crypto you
like within it. The general license extends to about 60 countries,
including USA, most of south america, China, Japan, Israel, Egypt,
India, the baltic states, Russia, Indonesia and Mexico. Absent are,
among others: Serbia, Libya, Afghanistan, Colombia, most african
countries and some central american countries.

"Mass-market" has the same definition as in Wassenaar (sold in
mass-market channels, accessible to the public, crypto not
modifiable, installable without support).

With Germany and France already moving, this probably means that
most EU countries will move toward free strong crypto.

The general license can be found in Tullverkets Författningssamling
TFS 1999:40, July 1st 1999.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-09-11
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