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Date: 1999-07-11

Biometrics: Stella und die Retina

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q/depesche 99.7.11/1

Biometrics: Stella und die Retina

Nach einem tiefen Blick in deine Retina fragt "Stella", wieviel
Geld du abheben möchtest - wem noch nicht schlecht ist,
der/die gebe sich diese Story der BBC.

post/scrypt: Back Orifice 2000 hat mittlerweile mehr als 16
Stunden Verspätung. Hat da vielleicht wirklich wer die
geforderte Dollarmillion samt 1em Monster/truck hiongelegt?

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A talking machine that greets customers and asks them how
much money they want to withdraw has been unveiled.

The new machine, known as Stella, has just gone on show in
London following a successful public trial in Canada. It does
not use a keyboard, and could see the demise of customers
having to remember Pin (Personal identification number)

It gets to know a customer personally - even down to
remembering birthdays - through the recognition of his or her
iris, the coloured part of the eye.

The customer stares into three, high definition cameras,
which identify the user by scanning 256 points on the iris.
The method is virtually foolproof, and is more individual than
The chances of Stella making a mistake are said to be 10
billion, billion to one.
This latest development in cashpoint convenience follows
moves to install them in nightclubs. The machines would also
be able to provide clubbers with airtime cards for pre-paid
mobile phones and stamps.

more of this
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-07-11
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