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Date: 1999-02-23

Schwarze Gäste: Chinas Crack-Bilanz

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100 Cracks im Jahre 98 wurden offiziell zugegeben, die
Dunkelziffer liegt mindestens siebenmal so hoch. Gut 95
Prozent der chinesischen Rechner, die mit der restlichen
Welt verbunden sind, wurden von "schwarzen Gästen"
angegriffen. Das sind die News aus dem Land hinter der
grossen Feuermauer, in dem das Netz noch eine
revolutionäre Rolle spielen wird.

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SHANGHAI, Feb 23 (Reuters) - China cracked some 100
cases of computer hacking last year ranging from mischief to
serious crime, the International Finance News said on

Public Security officials estimated that the uncovered cases
represented just 15 percent of true activity, and with growing
use of computers the crime was proliferating at an alarming
30 percent a year, the newspaper said.

Some 95 percent of China's computer networks linked to
international ones had fallen prey to attempts by hackers --
called "hei ke" or "black guests" in Chinese -- from inside
and outside the country, it said.

Banks, financial institutions and securities houses were the
main targets, but most cases were not reported for
commercial reasons, it said.

The newspaper said most hackers were young people who
attacked networks to show off their programming skills, and
many escaped arrest as China has no specific laws for
prosecuting electronic break-ins.

But in one prominent case last year, China sentenced to
death two brothers who broke into a bank's computer network
and stole 260,000 yuan ($31,400). They were prosecuted for

Copyright Reuters International

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-02-23
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