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Date: 1999-02-05

Vint Cerf: MCI dreht ATT auf null

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Gerade erst mussten als Auflage für den Merger zwischen
MCI & Worldcom (= UUnet) grosse Teile des Internet -
Geschäfts abgegeben werden, da ist die Upstart-Firma schon
wieder im Geschäft zurück. Ab dato befährt Compuserve das
Backbone von UUnet, die weiteren Pläne des MCI-
Vizepräsidenten & Netz/veteranen Vint Cerf beinhalten
unterem, den Marktanteil des mächtigen Konkurrenten At&T
auf Null zu drehen.

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Nancy Weil
Posted at 9:05 AM PT, Feb 4, 1999
"We're back," said Vint Cerf, MCI WorldCom's senior vice
president of Internet architecture and technology, during a
press conference Thursday.

MCI WorldCom Internet is available now for $16.95 for
customers who use the company for long-distance service
and for $19.95 for other users. The service, aimed at
consumers and small businesses, involves an alliance with
CompuServe, an affiliate of America Online, which will offer
portal, Web hosting, and instant messaging services.
Cerf offered to jump in to clarify matters, "even though I know
beans about marketing," he said.

Such deals between competitors are likely to occur more in
the future of what Cerf termed "a very peculiar business" of
the Internet. Different companies can offer different
advantages to each other, and that can push them past
viewing each other only as competitors, he indicated.
The Internet service will use the backbone network of UUNet,
a unit of MCI WorldCom. It will be better than the previous
Internet service offered by MCI -- which had to sell that part of
its business before regulators approved its merger with
WorldCom in July 1998 -- because the company has 600
points of presence, twice what MCI had before.
Asked if the new service is intended to be yet another means
for MCI WorldCom to compete with AT&T, Donoghue said,
"We have always intended to drive their market share down
to zero."

Added Cerf: "Competition? What competition?"

Full text

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-02-05
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