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Date: 1998-12-03

Wired ueber ENFOPOL, Wassenaar tagt in Wien

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q/depesche 98.12.3/2
updating 98.12.3/1

Wired über ENFOPOL, Wassenaar tagt in Wien

Neben der Abhörtagung der Innen- & Justizminister zu
Brüssel (siehe unten) spielt es sich auch in der
Donaumetropole ab. Ein Update über die schlimmen
Aussichten für freie Kryptographie, die womöglich gerade
jetzt bei der geheimen Tagung des Wassenaar-Plenums
Wirklichkeit werden, folgt.

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Europe Is Listening
Niall McKay
5:10 p.m. 2.Dec.98.PST The European Union is quietly
getting ready to approve legislation that will allow the police
to eavesdrop both on Internet conversations and Iridium
satellite telephone calls without obtaining court authorization.

The legislation is part of a much wider memorandum of
understanding between the EU, the United States, Canada,
New Zealand, and Norway, a nonmember European nation.
That agreement allows authorities to conduct telecom
surveillance across international borders, according to a
Europol document leaked to members of the European

"Security measures are often necessary in the cases of
terrorism or organized crime," said Glyn Ford, a member of
the European Parliament for the British Labour Party and a
director of the EU's Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs
Committee. "But what we need is some sort of democratic
control. It seems to me that many security services are a law
unto themselves."

full text
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published on: 1998-12-03
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