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Date: 1998-07-06

Der Real Player Killer

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crasht, wenn er vorgeht, wie unten angeführt, nicht nur den Real Player einer Maschine irgendwo am
Netz. Win95 und Linux/rechner sperren wegen CPU/Überfüllung hundertprozentig zu.

* Real Player Killer - 6/26/98 * * (C) 1998 Kit Knox <> * * [ ] * * Real Player 5.0 for Windows95 and Linux (others untested) do not
check * the validity of incoming UDP packets used when receiving audio/video. * * If you are able to
determine or brute force the destination port of the * stream you are able to crash the player and
cause it to use 100% of * idle CPU. I would not be surprised if there are numerous buffer *
overflows in this area as well. The client does not even check if the * source IP address is the
one it is receiving data from. Any source IP * can be used. * * Generally the stack will start with
port 1025 and go up. Starting there * and going up will generally give you good results. If you
are able to * sniff the network you will know the exact port and not have to guess. * */

Real Networks has been notified of the problem and has stated that they will make a fix for their
upcoming G2 release and are considering making a patch available for all of the 5.0 players out
there. The only available workaround at this time is to force your player to use TCP instead of UDP
for streams in the transport area of the preferences menu.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-07-06
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